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Знакомства Love planet - это популярный бесплатный сайт знакомств, уже сейчас имеющий более 16 миллионов анкет девушек и парней. На нашем сайте www.loveplanet.ru Вы можете вести переписку, читать дневники, принимать участие в голосовании TOP-100 лучших эротических анкет с фото самых красивых девушек и парней лавпланет.

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♀♠Вадим♣♂, 35 - 15 января 2008 12:26

Tool - 10,000 Days (wings Pt. 2)

We listen to the tales and romanticize,
how we follow the path of the hero.

Boast about the day when the rivers overrun,
How we'll rise to the height of our halo.

Listen to the tales as we all rationalize,
our way into the arms of the savior.
Fading all the trials and the tribulations.

None of us have actually been there,
Not like you...

The ignorant flip pants in the congregation.
Gather around spewing sympathy,
Spare me...

None of them can even hold a candle up to you.
Blinded by choices,
hypocrites won't see.

But enough about the collective Judas.
Who could deny you were the one who illuminated?
Your little piece of the divine.

This little light of mine it gives your past unto me,
I'm gonna let it shine
to guide you safely on your way.

Your way home...

Oh, what are they gonna do when the lights go down?
Without you to guide them all to Zion?
What are they gonna do when the rivers overrun?
Other than tremble incessantly.

High is the way,
but our eyes are upon the ground.
You are the light and the way.
They'll only read about.
I only pray heaven knows,
when to lift you out.

10,000 days in the fire is long enough.
You're going home...

You're the only one who can hold your head up high.
Shake your fist at the gates saying,
"I have come home now...!"
Fetch me the spirit, the son and the father.
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.

"It's time now!
My time now!
Give me my
Give me my wings...!"

Give me my [x5]

(Give me my wings)

You are the light, the way,
that they will only read about.

Set as I am in my ways and my arrogance.
Burden of proof tossed upon non-believers.
You were my witness, my eyes, my evidence,
Judith Marie, unconditional one.

Daylight dims leaving cold fluorescence.
Difficult to see you in this light.
Please forgive this bold suggestion.
Should you see your maker's face tonight,
Look him in the eye.
Look him in the eye and tell him,
I never lived a lie, never took a life,
But surely saved one.

It's time for you to bring me home.

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Знакомства loveplanet существуют с 2005 года, но за это время в базе сайта объединились уже около 17 миллионов анкет с фото парней и девушек лавпланет. На loveplanet.ru Вам предложат топ-100 фото самых интересных анкет, возможность читать и вести дневники лав планет , участвовать в викторинах, читать свежий юмор

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